I have also added some gateways to TG artists.
(Illustration from TG Comics)
TG Comics
- Amazing Transformation Comics NEW!
- DM72 Gender Bender Manga
- Lustomic Comics (paid)
- TG Comics
- Fahrad's New TG Manga Site
- Fahrad's old TG Manga site
- G-Hentai.org, search for English translation of erotic gender bender comics
- Lustcomic (paid)
- Pururin
- Transcomix
- The World of TG's List of TG Comics
TG Ilustrations
- FTF10.com Transgender Deviant Art (NEW!)
- Tabou Meltpot (French)
- Wonderpixs
- Deviant Art World of TG
- Xavier Duvet
- The World of TG's List of Deviant Art Resources
- Wendy Thorne
Online games
Posts on comics and manga at Rebecca's World
- Japan: The Empire of Transgender Erotic Comics
- Fahrad's Site for Japanese Transgender Comics
- Posts about the site TG Comics: 1 2 3 4
- Transgender story sites
- Transgender caption blogs
- Transgender comics, images and online games
- Transgender discussion forums
- Transgender magazines
- Transgender movies
- Transgender fiction directories, search engines and info
- Sissy sites, TG blogs etc.
- Porn sites with photos for TG fantasies and captions