
The Surrogate
The Suit

Then he saw it: A small shop between the local 7 Eleven and Starbucks. He had never seen it before. "Mr. Samuel MacMagic Men's Apparel" the sign said in old fashioned letters.
"My oh my!" the man said and looked down at Ron's coffee stains.
"It was that damned Rita!" Ron exclaimed.
"Women are so clumsy and stupid. We should never have given them the vote in the first place!"
"Really?" the old man said, taken aback.
"Yeah, really," Ron said. He was pissed off about Rita. He should have had that senior management position, not her!"
"You are not exactly a happy camper, are you Ron?" the man asked. "I bet Rita is much happier than you!"
"Ah women!" Ron snorted. "It's their damn innocence. Rita has never faced real problems ever. There are always men around her, picking up the slack."
"But I guess you would have loved to be as happy as she is?" the man smiled.
"Sure, but..."
"Here' I have the right suit for you. Hand made by Indian tailors in Calcutta, the home town of Kali!"

Ron gave the man his Am Ex card and put on the suit. It fit perfectly! That was strange, because as he started to run back to his office, it was as if the suit grew many sizes. The long trousers' legs made him stumble.
"Ah, there you are Rachel!" Rita said to him when he stumbled into the office. "Be a nice girl and make us some coffee, will you?"
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This one is for Ron!
Hitler discovers TG Tales are fake
YouTube has taken down all Hitler parody videos due to copyright infringements. You can read the story here.
This meta-parody is available, though:
Guest Cap: SRU Picnic
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Parking Ticket

Guest Cap: Rebecca working out
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Babylon Academy Episode 7: The Wrestler

At the very last day of his punishment period he gave in to Bernard and is now stuck as a girl forever.
Jerry was never considered a favorite candidate for transformation by the witches, and now they have sent him to the other side of the globe to serve in the Entertainment Division of the order.
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Alternative download site.

Guest Cap: Not one tenth of the pay
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Nasty Boys

To the club

So, what am I supposed to do now? I thought she was joking, of course. No one can change a man into a woman just by reading a spell.
What was it she said again?
"Nate," she said. "All you have to do is to put on the sexy dress you find in the closet. Yeah, and don't forget the lingerie, honey. It is a chilly evening, so you will need that."
I really cannot see how those stockings are going to keep me warm. That was probably her sick sense of humor.
And then she said. "Wear high heels, girl, and try not to break a leg, will you?"
"What the hell is it you want me to do?" I had asked her. I am ashamed to say that I was nearly crying.
"You need to change me back!"
"Of course," she said. "But first you have to come to the club and party with me. There will be a limo waiting for you at nine."
"But why do you do this?" I asked her.
"You and Robert has been fooling around, Nate. That hurts. So Lena and I has decided to teach you two a lesson. Robert knows nothing about this, so you are going down to the club and hit on him. As soon as you have kissed him, we will change you back -- if you want us to, of course."

I had yelled at her, screamed in my girly voice, thrown a pillow at her. To no avail. It is close to eight now. I have to get ready.
The problem is that the thought of kissing feels no longer so revolting.
Now, that is scary!
Images from the classy Met-Art site.
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This one is for Starhawk over at Rachel's Haven!

From Nash to Ash

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Guest Cap:Testing the Water
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