

One day at the subway

In Japan anything can happen! How more feminine can you get?

Video by Mashiro from "Okanashi Futari"

The TFCC search engine now includes 73 TG fiction sites

FYI: I added a large number of new TG blogs and fiction sites to my TFCC search engine.

This should make it even more useful for tracking down stories and caps focusing on your interests. 

Note that some sites do not allow the Google crawlers access.

However, all Blogger blogs are now (finally!) spidered by Google and will hopefully be included in full within a short period of time.

Here's the home page of the search engine.

Here's the relevant link to TFCC.


Guest Cap: My Betrayer Buys Me

Here's a tale about treason and slavery from Jackie Blue.

Click on images to enlarge!

Blogger gets some more TG cap blogs

Google's Blogger has become a popular publishing tool among TG cappers, as it allows blogs of an adult nature (at least if you are willing to accept the Content Warning).

I have put up a blog post over at TFCC presenting more newcomers to the field.

If you know of blogs that are not listed in the left hand side column of Rebecca's World, please let me know.

Go to TFCC: New transgender cap blogs.



It started out as a very sexy game: Bill and Brian being blindfolded by their wifes in anticipation of boundless pleasures.

Except: They were not boundless. They were tied up, actually, and right now their bodies felt more than strange.

"Hello! Linda! Linda! Where are you?" Bill could not recognize his own voice. It was high pitched and trembling.

Brian sounded stressed as well: "Elaine, come back at once! The drink you gave us has made us sick. I feel strange! I feel smaller! My mouth tastes different!"

"They are gone," Brian observed. "Do you think they know?"

"Know what?" Bill replied.

"You know, the strippers, the cocaine...."

"What was it they said again?"

"They said they were going to fetch John."

"Who the hell is John?"

"Our gardener."

Bill bumped into Brian: "What's wrong with you?"


"You have tits!"

"Tits? WTF? Is that what it is? Hey, stop that!"

"Oh God!" Bill exclaimed. "I know why they are fetching the gardener!"

It was going to be a long night.

Click on images to enlarge!

This one is dedicated to Brenda.

Images from Sextronix Exxxcellent.


Guest cap: Backstabber

Here's are two sweet caps from The Imposter:

Click on images to enlarge!


Guest Cap: For the Mission

Here's a cap The Imposter sent me in an email.

Click on image to enlarge!

The Press Conference

Yes, we know these are disturbing pictures, but we believe that their publication is necessary.

They may serve as a warning to young men, and thus stop them from being lured into the sinister world of transgender fantasies.

This is why we have called this press conference.

These pictures were taken at a recent wedding in Spain, shortly after the socialist government introduced new liberal marriage laws of 2012, that not only accepted gay partnerships but also polygamist relationships between members of all the 26 known genders.

The bride, depicted her after the ceremony after the Iberian Church of the Transgender Ecstasy Ritus, was a British boy named Kyle in her "first life", as they call it in these circles.

Two of the men are natural, the third husband is a F2M Catalonian flamenco dancer called Carmello (né Carmen).

Kyle's road towards this depravity started over at the TG cap site Rachel's Haven where he made a few seemingly innocent transgender captions.

It went downhill from there, as is often the case in cases like these. It often starts with the use of natural herb breast growth hormones and normally ends with dabbling in the dark arts.

Kyle was soon recruited by the evil Sisters of Ereshkigal, who turned him into a sex crazed slut and married off to this Spanish anarchist collective.

Our research shows that Kira, as she is now called, as only vague recollections of her previous life. She is, as far as we know, expecting a child early next year, and the father is apparently not one of her three husbands. They are all willing to adopt the young child, however.

We can take questions now.

Yes, you young man, at the back row!

Hm, no, I will not tell you how to get in touch with the Sisters of Ereshkigal.

Next question, please....

This one is dedicated to Kira.

Images from Totally Redhead.

Click on images to enlarge!


TG Genetic Modification

Here's another TG video cap mashup by TG Tales, who boldly goes etc.

I case you wonder how it all ends, here is part 2:

Click here for more videos by TG Tales.



Guest Cap: Submission

Here's a great cap I got from Bren over at Rachel's Haven. The story is set in the Bikini Beach universe.

Click on image to enlarge!


Man transformed into sexy bimbo

Welcome to the Federal Behavioral Correction Facility, where the government helps men who have gone astray become decent and law abiding citizens.

This time, however, sometimes goes terribly wrong, as one of the caretakers starts to doubt the didactic value of the whole program.

Could it be that the prisoners are not punished by the treatment they get? That they actually enjoy the experience?

Our caretaker is about to find out.

Yes, this is another Bimbo transformation fest from Rebecca.

The images are, as so often before, from the Sextronix sites Totally Redhead and Totally Brunette. Somehow they never fail to deliver pictures of veeeery sexy women.

You can download the full screen PDF file here, or from the alternative download site here.

If you want to read the slideshow in full screen version online, you can visit Slideshare and click on Full.

Bimbo Days
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: tg)


Minicap: Feeling lucky

Another TG quickie!

Fictionmania to reopen soon

The resurrection of the mother of all TG fiction sites is close.

Carol over at TG Fiction reports that the old server files have finally been extracted from the failed hard drives.

The FM team is now completing the programming of the new server. She continues:

"The www.fictionmania.com url is being transferred to point at the new machine. The job is not finished yet, but, we are much closer to having fm back on line."

Sir Lee sums it up this way:
  • "Be a bit patient, though. We waited until now, we can wait more. We
    want this done right, not rushed.
  • When the official news that FM is up again, don't be disappointed,
    dismissive or angry if you can't find it right away. Wait a few hours
    and try again. It's probably a DNS issue that will go out on its own.
  • If you notice a problem, empty your browser cache and try again. If the problem persists, try a different browser if you have one. Then, *POLITELY* inform the Task Force (possibly through this list, unless they prefer to post a public e-mail address for that purpose) of the problem, offering as much detail as you are able."
Following the "Fictionmania is down" debate has been a mixed pleasure. Some have reacted violently to its absence, displaying severe withdrawal symptoms, lashing out at the FM team in the process.

So please remember: They do this on their own time, as a service to the community, and they deserve our thanks for putting so much effort into this.


Guest cap: Milk Shake Lover

Here's a sexy cap series made by Animalia.

A magic song turns Jason into Crystal, a beautiful black girl.

You can download the full screen PDF file here! (LINK FIXED)



So, this was your idea of revenge, was it?

To turn me into a sexy goth chick that can follow you to your heavy metal concerts, boost your ego and increase your standing in the brotherhood.

Well, think again! There is power in this body. Immense power!

I am my own boss now, and I am not going to listen to that weak piss you call music.

Metallica! Huh!

I am into black metal now, and I will tour Europe with Dimmu Borgir in the spring.

Who needs balls when you have a body of steel!

Click on images to enlarge!

This one is for Dementia!


Blogger has fixed the search engine crawler problem

Remember my complaints about Blogger stopping search engine spiders from crawling adult Blogger blogs like this one?

Well, it now seems Google and Blogger have solved this problem.

I see brand new blog posts from this blog being listed in Google with full titles and descriptions.

I can assure you, this means a lot towards making the TG Blogger blogs more accessible for searchers that do not know our network of TG ficition sites.

It also means that our rankings in search engine results will increase. Now Google will count the inter linkages between these blogs as votes of confidence, giving them a boost in search results.

So please, all TG blog and site owners, do spread the link love to sites that you like. We all benefit from it.

However, I suspect the reason for the recent problem of Blogger stopping some browsers from accessing these blogs is caused by the new way of coding the Content Warning page.

It was the Content Warning page that stopped the search engines from indexing these sites in the first place.

Ah well, they are working on it!



General Jeremy Smith

"Tom, Tom, come here!"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Are you saying that this is general Jeremy Smith?"

"Yes, he has been changed by one of those voodoo shapeshifter spells."

"And it is all right for us to fuck him, her, whatever?"

"Oh yes, that's why she comes here to the barracks every weekend and offers herself to the officers. She is one cock hungry slut that one!"

"But how could that happen?"

"Sergeant Jean Claude started it. He was born on Haiti and knows that stuff. He wanted to punish the general for that fiasco in Basra last year. However, it turned out the general liked the experience so much that he convinced Jean to give the spell to him. Jean Claude is NATO attache in Brussels now."

"He is?"

"Enough talk. Jennifer, come here! Give your hero some head!"

"Oh, oooooh! She is good! She is damned good!"

"Didn't I tell you?"

"Oh she is. I can see that this... eh... will... ugh... do a lot for troop morale!"

"Now, what are you waiting for? She is offering you her sexy little butt. Go for it!"

Images from Totally Redhead. That site has some amazingly sexy photo sets!

Click on images to enlarge!

This one is dedicated to


Guest cap: Cleaning up the stock market

If the recession gets you down, you can always seek comfort in the fact that Dementia is there to help you.

As always: Click on cap to enlarge!