
A new voluptuous MTF body s

Fem Fluxx and The Foxx have published a new erotic MTF body swap photo comic over at femfluxx.com. 

You can, as always, download PDFs for free over there.

Click here to read the story about buxom Bella.


Lena and the magical VR headset

Morgana and Fem Fluxx have published a new free erotic MTF transformation comic, this time about a pretty extraordinary virtual reality headset. 


So sleepy


Ralph was so tired. It had been a lot of fun being a girl for one day, even in some surprising manners, but all he wanted now was to sleep. No problem, it was soon midnight and the spell would end. All he had to do was to stay awake until then, because if he did not, he would stay like this for the rest of his life.


Don't drink from the waterfall!


"Don't drink from the sacred water fall!" the old man had said. Who was he to respect ancient traditions, right? So he did drink - a lot.


Someone spiked his drink


John had never been invited to the college fraternity party before. He was not one of the insiders. Far, from it. He was on of the geeks. Still, he accepted the cup he gave them, and did not start to regret coming until his body rapidly changed into a dark haired college girl.

He had sex with so many of the boys. It wasn't until one of them fucked him in the ass he started wondering if they were ever going to change him back.

In the end he begged them to let him stay like this.


The problem of chafing


When the witch had, in rage, turned him into a woman, he had expected a lot of problems. What he had not expected, though, was the problems of hiding his erect nipples. Whatever he put on caused the fabric to chafe against his tits, and the sensation was so pleasurable that his nipples immediately got stiff.