
Changes, part 678

Another transgender minicap for you!

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Fred in Chains

Another transgender minicap!

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Car Wash

He had always admired the sexy college girls, their small bodies, their big tits, their cheer leader confidence and their ability to dominate a room by their mere presence.

He had none of that magic himself, shy and weak as he was, working in the background over at Anna's garage.

Anna was a self-confident, intelligent and busty woman, happily married to a hunk of a man. She loved her garage and she loved her job.

"You are not much of a happy camper, are you now, Brian?" she asked him one day.

"I can see you ogling the girls that come in here to have their car washed and their engine fixed, but you never dare to talk to them. You know what, I think you are one of those boys who would rather like to be the girl, hot and sexy...."

She caught the expression on his face before he managed to compose himself.

"I thought so. Listen up!" she said. "We need to get some more customers over here. I want you to go sit in the pink Cadillac!"


The Succubus Demon

You may not have heard about them, but the Secret Order of Inanna keeps a close watch on all magic used in the world of the mundanes. After all, the Order has long term plans it would rather not have derailed by the actions taken by mystic men and dangerous demons.
Kiara Mia and Veronica
Rodriguez from Brazzers

So when a succubus demon starts hunting men in the San Francisco area, the local chapter takes action, trying to limit the damage and help the ones left behind.

You can download the PDF here or here.
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If you are using a tablet/iPad, you may like to read the photo comic over at Slideshare.

Click on the four arrow symbol below for full screen!

The photos of Kiara Mia, Veronica Rodriguez and Jasmine Blaze are from my two major sources of erotic imagery: Brazzers and Reality Kings!


Remote control

The evil side of modern technology exemplified in a TG minicap.

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Here is a new minicap for you!

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In the first part of this two episode series Lars Wren found out that his aunt Anna was a witch in the secret Order of Inanna, an organization of very powerful Sumerian witches.
Margo Russo from RealityKings

He has now become one of its members, a young woman named Laila. His first task is to recruit his boss to the order.

Can he convince his boss to meet his aunt, Anna?

Download PDF from Box!
Download PDF from Divshare!

If you are using an iPad or tablet, read it over at Slideshare!

Click on the four arrow symbol below to read it full screen on a PC/Mac.

The images of Margo Russo are from RealityKings.
The images of Abella Anderson are from Brazzers.