
Jack in the Shower

There is no reason to be shy Jack. I have seen you naked before, remeber. I am your wife, after all.

Yes, yes, I can see that you have a different body now than you had a couple of minutes ago. No, it's all real and you are not going mad. Not much, anyway.

The thing is, our kids and I had a family meeting... What, without you? Of course it was without you!

You are never here, remember! Always travelling from one meeting to another. You hardly see your kids, anymore.

Anyway, we decided we had to find a way to make you stay at home, so we hired a professional witch to put a shapeshifter spell on our shower.

Anyone who takes a shower in this bathroom today will be changed into a more suitable appearance.

And you have been given a new female body, as you can see.

I know you have rather traditional views of the roles of genders, so this means that you will have to stay home and take care of the kids. This way we can even plan for more kids! Wouldn't that be nice, darling?

Now, there is one problem with all this, and that is that I will have to support the family.
So move aside, baby! I need to take a shower, as well.

The witch assured me that no one will notice that a new guy has taken over your job as CEO.

She also assured me that I would be as well endowed down there as you are up here. Maybe we can make that baby, tonight, sweetie!

This one is for Jackie Blue!

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Guest cap: Surprise!

Xandra on her knees, where she belongs! Guest cap made by Dalene over at Rachel's Haven.

Click on cap to enlarge!


Big boobs

He had been standing in the middle of High Street when the reality distortion wave hit him.

He had heard about the phenomena, of course. It had happened several times since that huge object appeared outside Saturn. Some said it was the end of time. Others that it was aliens experimenting. 

The cause didn't matter much, did it? The fact was that he suddenly found himself on another street, in another country, in another body.

He looked down, bewildered. He saw a pink sweater bulging out in the most amazing manner. His chest was so big he could not see his feet, and he realized he had swapped bodies with one very voluptuous woman. 

Now, what should he do? Should he contact Interpol's Bodyswap department and try to reclaim his old life, or should he explore this new opportunity? 

He opened the woman's purse. Woman did carry a lot of stuff around, didn't they. He found a picture of the woman and a handsome man. They were out at a beach somewhere, and looked very happy together.

Maybe he should wait a little. Go over to hers place, maybe, and see what her life was like. He felt his nipples stiffen in anticipation.

Images from Bangbros.

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Guest Cap: Laundry Basket

Jay Seaver always adds that extra twist making caps out of the ordinary.

Click on cap to enlarge!


Mincap: The Hat

A short silly one for you! Click on cap to enlarge!


Guest Cap: The Debt

Here's a T-girl cap series from ConMan over at Rachel's Haven. I am looking good, ain't I?

Click on caps to enlarge!


Bangkok Surprise

He was there for the art, mostly, and the food. Of course! Thai food! He loved Thai food! And when he finally ended up in Bangkok's Patpong district, it was purely out of cultural curiosity.

Prostitution was part of Thai culture, right? And he was there to look, not touch.

Still, he could not resist when that sweet Thai girl lured him into the club. And didn't hesitate much when she pulled him up the stairs into her room. Nor did he protest much when she served him that damned drink. He should have known that something was fishy when it started to glow.

The next morning he woke up in her body. She was gone, with his passport, his credit cards, his name, his body and his wife dammit! She was probably enjoying her new rich life in Atlanta immensely, while he was serving customers in Bangkok. 

Well, he did speak English fluently, which helped him deal with the foreign customers -- the Farang. Maybe one day one of them would marry him and offer him a new prosperous life in the West.

Click on image to enlarge!

Images by Sextronix.


Guest Cap: Rebecca's gift

Here's a sweet T-girl love story from Starhawk over at Rachel's Haven!

Click on images to enlarge!


Love for Sale

OK, young lady! I do not want any more trouble from you now!

No, stop it Erik! I want you to smile to the nice gentleman and behave yourself!

We have invested a lot of money in you, you know, and now has come the time for us to harvest the profit.

Sir Lloyd, I do hope young Courtney here is to your liking.

She is clean and well behaved -- at least on most days -- and she has been given the great looks you were asking for.

Try her out? 

Well, I can understand your enthusiasm, My Lord. As soon as we have the 1 million, you can do whatever you want with her.

This one is dedicated to Courtney.

Pictures of Cytherea and Jana Cova from Sextronix.


Babylon Academy Episode 2: Life as a School Girl

Ron has become Ronya, and is spending his first days at a sexy college girl.

But there is hope for him. All he has to do is to stay away from men during his penalty period. That shouldn't be too hard, should it?

Well, this is a site for transgender erotica, and you know the drill.

Click here to read the previous episodes in the Babylon Academy series!

The images is from the voluptuous Big Tits at School site, which comes highly recommended! If you sign up for that site, you get more than 20 additional sites for the same prize. I use them a lot for my photo stories.

Click on Full below for that full screen experience!




If I tried to escape? Oh, I did, believe me. But I was kidnapped, imprisoned in a villa out in the South American jungle, so where could I go?

They always found
me, so I gave up.

I didn’t realize what they were doing to me until my nipples started to itch. The areola became soft and puffy.They put the hormones in my drinking
water I believe, and I needed to drink. It is so hot here!

They wouldn't cut my hair, and since it had been kind of long when I got here, I started to look like a girl.

Then they removed my clothes, replacing them with panties, skirts and blouses.

And my tits expanded, slowly but steadily and I knew that I had reached the point of no return when I had to ask for a bra.

From time to time they came and took photos of me. I believe they sent them to my father. He is at the District Attorney's office in New York and he must have pissed these gangster off in a serious way.

I do not think they have asked for ransom money. He would have paid.

I cant help it. I am totally mesmerized by my tits. I touch them, stroke them, hold them, because they represent everything I have lost: the love of a woman.

At first I jerked off to images of me fucking a girl with big tits. Now I am that girl in fantasies. I can't help it!

When Antonio came to fuck me for the first time, I didn't resist him. I know that I smiled to the camera man as he filmed me being penetrated from behind for the first time. I smiled because it felt so good to be loved by someone, to be one with someone.

Now I can’t wait for the evenings, when he comes back from work. I long for him to fill me up and call me his darling. The good thing is that he is doing it without the cameras now.

I probably feel this way because I am lonely. Some kind of Stockholm syndrome, maybe.

But it doesn't matter much, does it. This is where I am, and I am a woman now.
Click on cap to enlarge!

Images of lovely Patricia from
Tranny Surprise.

Freya has a new site!

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Prepare for the holiday season!

TGTales has made a "Prepare for Christmas" video you may want to take a look at.

Guest Cap:I Wish I Could Get Out Of This Ticket

SissyTiff has made me this one about speed driving. I guess there is a moral in here somewhere, but what moral? Is speed driving a good thing, or is it....

Click on cap to enlarge!


Guest Cap: Replacement

Here's one from ConMan over at Rachel's Haven. It is amazing to see what modern science can deliver!

Click on cap to enlarge!


Babylon Academy Episode 1

Some of you may remember Fran and Friends, my first attempt at a comic strip story.

It was all about the secret order of the Daughters of Ershkigal and how they had taken over a school to recruit young boys into their service -- as school girls.

Well, consider that one a pilot for my new comic series: Babylon Academy.

The Academy is a college for gifted young men and women that have been given the chance to excel in their chosen disciplines. But the Daughters of Ereshkigal have a problem.

President Putin of the Russian Federation is trying to close down their Russian operation, and the witches desperately need a lot of new recruits to fill the vacancies.

In this introductory episode we meet the college president and her XO and witness their attempts at solving this problem.

There is not much sex in this episode, but believe me, I'll make up for it in the next!

The images is from the voluptuous Big Tits at School site, which comes highly recommended! If you sign up for that site, you get more than 20 additional sites for the same prize. I use them a lot for my photo stories.

Click on Full below to get that full screen experience.