
World peace

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 After the alien attack, all men where changed into women and all women into men. The aliens said that only women understood what was need to make Earth a peaceful place. The new men would have the experience of women, and the new women would learn over time.

Kenny on the other hand, was so occupied with his new body that he did not have time to think about world peace.


The Girls of Maria, another tale of magical transformations from Fem Fluxx


Fem Fluxx has uploaded part 1 of the two parter  photo comic The Girls of Maria.  

You will not be disappointed. Beautiful girls. Male to female transformations. A lot of sex!

Read or download the new transgender photo comic for free over at Fem Fluxx!


Aphrodite's girl

 Eva had dared him to eat a spoon of sperm generously donated by his friend Andrew. This violation of the gender binary immediately caused him to be transformed into a woman by the goddess Aphrodite.

Jim hadn't believed the goddess Aphrodite was real, and worried about his insignificant life.

She had plans for him, however.


Pussyfied and tongue tied

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When James woke up in his girl friend's body, he thought he was hallucinating. However, the note on his desk – "I am taking your American identity and will report you to Immigration" – convinced him this was real. He should have panicked. All he has was her Taiwan passport and an expiring visa. But then he got distracted.