
Fictionmania troubles to be resolved

Many US readers of the very popular TG fiction site Fictionmania are having problems accessing the stories.

CC over at the TGF Yahoo! Group reports that the Fictionmania Task Force is working on a fix.

"A couple of years ago, the Task Force had seperated the fm archive of stories from the old fm server to speed up the process of reading stories and reduce the time outs," she writes.

"A new fmstories.com archive was established on a shared server. Unfortunately, some scammers also rented space on the same ip address server and several isp's, such as bell south, blocked the ip address to block the scammers. The result was that the fmstories.com archive is also blocked."

Until the team are able to move fmstories.com to a dedicated server, it is now hosted on another shared server which apparently also is blocked by Bell South.

I have no problems accessing Fictionmania from Scandinavia.

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