
Rachel's Haven is looking for TG short stories for new book

Rachel Haven, the watering hole for TG caption enthusiasts is to publish a book with transgender fiction.

Rachel (yes, there is a Real Rachel!!!) says that this is part of the fund raising needed to keep the Haven alive:

"Everyone round here tends to enjoy a good story or several, and while there have been a few TF/TG novellas produced and sold, there are very, very few collections of them from a variety of authors...

"Now, what we're looking for is stories of at least 5000 words in length, preferably something new and never before seen, however existing works will also be considered as we are going to hit a market that may never have seen them. The collection will be sold under the Haven Bookworks publishing label, with each story being sold separately as well as in a volume of collected works at a discount."

So if you write TG stories, this may be an opportunity for you!

More info over at Rachel's Haven.


  1. Thought I'd touch base here, starting to edit what has already been received but there's still plenty of time to pass along new content for the collection!

  2. Thanks for the update, Rachel!

    I will see if there are other ways of making the message heard!



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