
Guest Cap: Don't be shy Rebecca!

Here is a crossgender cap series I got from Smitty over at Rachel's Haven.

Click on images to enlarge!


  1. Anonymous1/29/2011

    What a lucky guy to have such a caring girlfriend. ;)

  2. This is one of my favorite posts. Your blog is really something, and I just discovered it yesterday. It just... I don't know, when I read this caption, I've never been that turned on in my life...

  3. Anonymous2/09/2011

    This really is an amazing caption. I love that he agreed to play along and never expected the results to be so extreme. I love how the girlfriend keeps on pushing things. The pictures are great and the cheerleader idea at the end is amazing. Really great work.

  4. Thanks, everyone. If you life those, make sure to visit my blog at http://smittysimon.blogspot.com/

    I have hundreds more series there.


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